Home for Rent
in Tuscany, near
Florence, Italy






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The Castle in Scarperia

castle of Scarperia200The castle of Scarperia is an example of medieval Italian architecture.  It is located in the small town of Scarperia, which is the closest  community to our villa.  It is a comfortable distance for walking or  biking from the villa.  Otherwise, it is about 10 minutes drive.

Scarperia is a beautiful medieval town situated in  the Mugello valley at the foot of the Appennines.  This valley is the  home of the Medici family; the artists Giotto and Beato Angelico were  born here.diotto

The town of Scarperia was founded in 1306 by the Florentine Republic to  control the only access of communication between Florence and Bologna  until the 18th century.  Palazzo Vicari was built as a fortress with the surrounding walls of the town in 1415.  It resembles Palazzo della Signoria in Florence.



There is a major festival held in Scarperia the  first week of September each year.  It includes costumes and very  colorful re-enactment of life during medieval times.  Residents from the entire area participate.

Scarperia is renowned infiorata2for it's fine cuttlery, the Ferrari race track, and for it's various folkloristic festivities.

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Janilee’s Villa
..a farmhouse home for rent
 in the heart of Tuscany.
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